4 490 KZT - 6 990 KZTCurrent price
3 590 KZT - 5 590 KZT 28/11 20:00


9 990 KZTCurrent price
7 990 KZT 28/11 20:00

Decorative objects for the living room

Stylish accessories for the home

Large pieces of furniture are a fundamental way of conveying the main idea we want to capture in our home. However, we should not underestimate the power that small decorative objects have in generating extra points of attention that add attractiveness and cohesion to our space. Zara Home includes a selection of decorative items that can personalize the home and add it with a high dose of style. 

Objects such as trays, bookstands, lecterns, and bookends have the characteristic of multiplying the charm of the space not only by themselves but also in conjunction with other elements.