LE PETIT PRINCE CHILDREN'S CERAMIC PLATE 109 SEKCREAM|8630/202Children’s enamel-effect ceramic plate with motifs inspired by the book Le Petit Prince.HeightWidthDepth19.80cm19.80cm2.50cm109 SEKMeasurement guideAdd to basket ( 109 SEK )
LE PETIT PRINCE CHILDREN’S CERAMIC BOWL 109 SEKCREAM|8630/211Children’s enamel-effect ceramic bowl with motifs inspired by the book Le Petit Prince.HeightWidthDepth13cm13cm5cm109 SEKMeasurement guideAdd to basket ( 109 SEK )
LE PETIT PRINCE CHILDREN'S CERAMIC MUG 109 SEKCREAM|8630/210Children’s enamel-effect ceramic mug with motifs inspired by the book Le Petit Prince.HeightWidthDepth11cm9cm8.50cm109 SEKMeasurement guideAdd to basket ( 109 SEK )
LE PETIT PRINCE CHILDREN'S BOTTLE CUSTOMIZABLE219 SEKCREAM|8630/439CUSTOMIZABLEChildren’s stainless steel bottle with a screw cap and motifs inspired by the book Le Petit Prince.HeightWidthDepth21.20cm6.80cm21.20cm219 SEKMeasurement guideAdd to basket ( 219 SEK ) Customise ( 219 SEK + 33 SEK )
LE PETIT PRINCE CHILDREN’S LUNCH BOX CUSTOMIZABLE289 SEKMULTICOLOURED|8630/428CUSTOMIZABLEChildren’s stainless steel lunchbox featuring a lid with snap button closure and motifs inspired by the book Le Petit Prince.HeightWidthDepth5.90cm12.90cm17.80cm289 SEKMeasurement guideAdd to basket ( 289 SEK ) Customise ( 289 SEK + 33 SEK )