PYG 1,390,000 - PYG 3,390,000


PYG 1,390,000 - PYG 3,390,000


PYG 1,390,000 - PYG 3,590,000


PYG 1,390,000 - PYG 3,590,000

Living room rugs that dress up your home.

Discover the latest trends in living room rugs and create unique spaces.

To show your personality in any room within the home it is crucial to take care of all the details. Living room rugs can give that distinctive touch of style that helps to harmonize any space and provide a unique sense of identity, especially in spaces such as the living room, a place of rest where peace and tranquillity are sought after, both mentally and visually. 

Imagine walking barefoot on a soft, fluffy rug at the beginning or at the end of the day. The texture and feel under your feet can be a cosy hug that reminds you that you are in a safe and relaxing space. 

Discover the latest decorative trends at Zara Home and choose your ideal rug from doormats and premium quality living room rugs to items of different shapes and textures, such as rectangular, oval, or round, which adapt to any room and style. Whether you prefer the warmth of wool, the softness of chenille, or the authenticity of jute or cotton, each option is an opportunity to infuse character into your spaces. 

Whether you're looking for a more vintage feel or prefer a more modern style, living room rugs are a subtle yet powerful way to express your tastes. Do not forget the importance of harmony in the design when choosing the perfect rug, since each decorative element can help create a balanced and serene space that enhances your essence.